Month: February 2016

Leap Day

Happy extra day of the year!!! For this next bit, imagine I’m up on the table, belting my best Bowie voice:


For those of you who missed the invite: It’s the 5th Monday of the month!!! When that happens, we gotta sing,dance, drink, whatever the extra Monday blues away! Live blues tonight at Dozen Street with at least 30 of your closest friends! Dozen Street Bar has a great outdoor space behind, plenty of street parking and it has proximity to Cajun, BBQ, and Grilled Cheese heaven. There is even a pool table if you play! It’s a great spot and we’re gonna have a great time as always!!12744580_1022395771154072_4737581479726048061_n

Valentines Day

Real talk: my heart is full of love for you. You have made Austin feel like home and you are creating a community filled with loving passionate people. You are my fire and you are appreciated more than you will ever know! Happy Valentine’s day, lovers!


I want to offer my sincerest thanks for a stellar night! What an amazing turn out! Every month I am amazed a bit more at how well we are doing and how much fun we are having! I continue to meet new amazing people at our Poly Cocktails events and I am so grateful to spend my time getting to know you all! SO MUCH LOVE!!

9 Years

Poly Cocktails is 9 years old tonight! In case you wanted to come and join in the love and have birthday shots with us!