Category: Fun (page 2 of 2)

Purple Rain

Because some of us are in deep Mourning at this point… and we all know how to celebrate a life around here…


Signature drink

I’m making some headway with Stay Gold for our Signature Cocktail! Any opinions on what we should aim toward? It is after all, your cocktail!


Return of the food

YOU GUYS – SO EXCITING: We have officially achieved compersion with Toaster the food truck and we are getting back together! Not only do they miss us, regret not being there for us and wanna see us again next month BUT also – a little birdy told me there MAY be a surprise for our anniversary!! EEP!

6 Months

This is our 6 month anniversary of Poly Cocktails Austin! Aaahhhh!


Valentines Day

Real talk: my heart is full of love for you. You have made Austin feel like home and you are creating a community filled with loving passionate people. You are my fire and you are appreciated more than you will ever know! Happy Valentine’s day, lovers!


I want to offer my sincerest thanks for a stellar night! What an amazing turn out! Every month I am amazed a bit more at how well we are doing and how much fun we are having! I continue to meet new amazing people at our Poly Cocktails events and I am so grateful to spend my time getting to know you all! SO MUCH LOVE!!

9 Years

Poly Cocktails is 9 years old tonight! In case you wanted to come and join in the love and have birthday shots with us!

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